Category: HR software
The key technology changes to be aware of as we plan Reward Strategy for 2024
Sarah Lardner | 23 November 2023
Evaluate | Job Evaluation Software | HR software | HR Technology | PayLab | Advance | Hapi
HR Tech is evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of modern business. Previously companies acquired an Enterprise solution like Oracle or PeopleSoft to ‘do everything’. Now HR Directors can pick and choose between a range of products on different platforms with an expectation that they can integrate and ‘talk to each other’. It sounds straightforward but the goalposts are constantly shifting so it is important to peel back the layers.
Reviewing or designing Bonus and Incentive schemes
27 September 2023
Mastering the art of Bonus and Incentive scheme design: A checklist for HR professionals and managers to drive company success.
The changing world of Tech - Part 2: Generative AI
Sarah Lardner | 23 June 2023
HR software | Reward technology | HR Technology | The Metaverse
In the first instalment of this two-part blog I focused on the Metaverse, and what it means to the business world in which we are operating as HR professionals. This time I am going to focus on the related topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically Generative AI.
The key technology changes to be aware of as we plan Reward Strategy for 2023
Sarah Lardner | 13 January 2023
Evaluate | Job Evaluation Software | HR software | Reward technology | HR Technology | PayLab | Advance | Hapi
HR Tech is evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of modern business. Previously companies acquired an Enterprise solution like Oracle or PeopleSoft to ‘do everything’. Now HR Directors can pick and choose between a range of products on different platforms with an expectation that they can integrate and ‘talk to each other’. It sounds straightforward but the goalposts are constantly shifting so it is important to peel back the layers.
How to use technology to ensure your recognition strategy is inclusive
14 October 2022
HR software | Reward technology | HR Technology | Hapi
For recognition to be truly inclusive, it goes without saying that it needs to touch everyone. Regardless of position, rank, department, seniority, age, gender or background, a recognition scheme needs to resonate with everybody and ultimately give all employees the opportunity to be nominated and recognised.
How can HR technology support your annual pay review process?
13 May 2022
HR software | HR Technology | Pay Review
Having to juggle multiple spreadsheets is one of the main pain points of pay review but the introduction of HR technology to support the process and not only make life a little easier, but also to help you work more efficiently and effectively at pay review time and throughout the year.
Download the Fast Growth Playbook
03 September 2020
Reward Intelligence | Pay & Reward | Disruptive HR | Fast Growth | HR software | HR Technology | Reward Strategy
Free to download, our Fast Growth Playbook has been designed specifically for organisations that are growing at pace, and are having to regularly make rapid decisions to ensure long term success.
HR analytics and predicting employee behaviour
30 April 2019
Good data | Analytics | HR software | HR Technology | Performance | Productivity
With the emergence of technology comes the streams of data which accompanies it. The average Human Resources team is sitting on a data gold mine; data which can be used to improve decisions, make employees happier and optimise processes. Imagine the value data like this can add to a company, Mark Macoun explains.
How HR can fix the UK's productivity problem
16 January 2018
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Performance Related Pay | Reward Intelligence | Analytics | Performance Management | HR software | HR Technology | Recognition | Reward Strategy | Performance | Productivity | Reward
The UK struggles with productivity compared to the rest of the G7. In this week's blog, Sarah Lardner explains why HR needs to be leading the fightback - and how to go about it.
HR Tech: To Boldly Go
24 October 2017
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Motivation | Pay & Reward | Good data | Analytics | Organisational Design | HR software | Reward technology | HR Technology | PayLab | Productivity | Reward
HR and technology aren't two concepts that have traditionally gone together. But that's all about to change. Alastair Cole takes you through how Innecto's digital solutions can make your life easier and save your company time and money.
Three reasons why independent pay benchmarking benefits your business
13 June 2017
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Pay Fairness | Reward Intelligence | Pay & Reward | Good data | Analytics | Pay framework | Business Ethics | HR software | Pay benchmarking | Job evaluation | Job Descriptions
It’s very easy to get caught up in personalities and performance when benchmarking a role. Benchmarking is not about how well an individual performs. So when you spend every day with your employees, it becomes increasingly difficult to focus purely on a role without letting personality, likability and performance come into play.Here are three key benefits of using an independent reward consultant: Read more here....
Surviving your annual pay review
18 April 2017
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Pay & Reward | Measuring pay | Analytics | Communications | HR software | HR Technology | Pay Review | Performance | Reward
Around this time of year, thousands of HR departments survive the stress of their annual pay review process. This week we share Client Director, Sarah Lardner's, secrets to a creating a smoother, more effective pay review ...