Category: Recognition
The power of a Thank you
Holly Coe | 10 January 2025
International Thank You Day falls on January 11th every year and serves as a very important reminder of how powerful two simple words can be. Thank you.
Top tips to boost your recognition scheme on a budget
Sarah Lardner | 25 October 2024
A Recognition Strategy is a great way to keep employees motivated and engaged and does not need to break the bank. Here are some low-cost ideas for establishing a scheme and helping it achieve its potential.
Addressing burnout and wellbeing through reward
Holly Coe | 18 October 2024
Communications | Recognition | Reward | Hapi
Every company wants to look after their employees while also appealing to their better nature. A competitive salary is important but enduring happiness at work relies on employees feeling valued and respected. It is how we bring the best out of people and it is how we inspire and maintain a willingness to work hard.
The Value of a Medal - what can we learn from the Olympics?
Genni Fisk | 12 August 2024
Employee engagement | Recognition | Reward
Sunday marked the close of the Paris 2024 Olympics and the shift of everyone’s attention back away from celebrating Team GB’s successes against the medal table. But what people don’t realise is that the Olympics can teach us a lot when it comes to recognising and rewarding employees at work.
Reward and recognition: Are you making the most of your recognition programme? How to make it work harder to boost engagement
Justine Woolf | 17 March 2023
Recognition | Reward Strategy | Reward
In the current climate a sound Recognition Strategy is a really good way to keep employees motivated and engaged. If companies cannot afford ad hoc pay increases – and many cannot – recognition can reward staff in a way that encourages positive behaviours and reflects the company’s culture. But how can you ensure that your Recognition scheme is achieving its potential?
Recognition – Top 5 considerations for implementing a new scheme
Justine Woolf | 17 February 2023
In the current climate recognition is a really good way to keep employees motivated and engaged. If companies cannot afford ad hoc pay increases – and many cannot – a sound recognition strategy can reward staff in a way that encourages positive behaviours and reflects the company’s culture. Here are five key considerations when looking to implement a recognition scheme.
Myth-busters 2023: Tackling common misconceptions in pay and reward
Cathryn Edmondson | 03 February 2023
Bonus | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting | Flexible working | Salary survey | Recognition | Pension | Remote Working | Thought Leadership
We asked our consultants and analysts to raise some common misconceptions and explain where they think misunderstandings may lie.
How to effectively communicate recognition strategies
Cathryn Edmondson | 25 November 2022
Employee engagement | Recognition
Effective communication for recognition strategies usually boils down to strong planning and delivery around the three key phases: pre-launch, launch and post-launch. This may sound obvious but there are plenty of key questions and considerations for each phase.
Top tips to build a recognition strategy for a hybrid workforce
11 November 2022
Recognition | Remote Working | Hybrid Working
Hybrid working has created a workforce often still united behind a common purpose, but fractured when it comes to knowing and understanding each other and enjoying each other’s success. As we’ve seen from social media, technology can play a huge role in bringing people together but in a corporate environment the challenge can often be keeping things personal. Here are some tips for sense-checking your own approach to recognising hybrid workers.
How to distinguish between bonuses and recognition and ensure both are valued
21 October 2022
Bonus | Recognition | Reward
There is a distinct difference between a one-off reward and the steady drip-feed of recognition. Each carries different incentives, drives different behaviours and comes into its own at different times. Here we examine the key differences and how you can reach the holy grail of having them work together in perfect harmony.
Drive and support workplace inclusivity with reward and recognition
22 July 2022
Reward Consultancy | Total reward | Recognition | Reward | Responsible Reward
For a company to get reward and recognition right in a way that fosters workplace inclusivity, its policies and practices need to encompass everybody regardless of age, background, gender or ethnicity. Everyone should be treated the same, with no bias. It’s a very broad piece to address.
GUEST BLOG: Employee Appreciation Day: Appreciate employees all year round with reward and recognition
03 March 2022
Motivation | Recognition | Reward | Employee Experience
4th March is Employee Appreciation Day – a great opportunity to say an extra “thank you” and make your staff feel valued.