Category: BAME reporting
Ethnicity Pay Reporting: get ahead of the curve
18 February 2021
BAME reporting | Ethnicity Pay Reporting
Ethnicity pay gap reporting is not yet mandatory but is considered ‘best practice’. With legislation looming on the horizon, we encourage organisations to start thinking about how to collect data or review ethnicity data collected and fill the gaps. Sarah Nash advises on where to start.
Ethnicity Pay Gap: How to Prepare for Mandatory Reporting
29 October 2020
BAME reporting | Ethnicity Pay Reporting
The UK is becoming increasingly ethnically diverse, and with mandatory reporting a likely introduction in the next year organisations simply cannot afford to ignore it and need to put significant effort into collecting this data. So how does an organisation kick start or move the process on? Emer Bucukoglu offers three steps to get you started.
BAME reporting: are you ready?
09 October 2020
The analysis on ethnicity pay gaps in Britain released by the ONS shows significant gaps remain even when education and occupation are considered, particularly for those born outside the UK. With legislation surrounding Ethnicity Pay reporting, also known as BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) reporting on the horizon, Sarah Nash looks at what this could mean for businesses.
Harnessing the benefits of a diverse workforce
17 June 2020
Organisational Design | BAME reporting | Job Descriptions | Recruitment | Diversity
The prominence of the Black Lives Matter movement comes at pivotal time for businesses as we face what could be one of the most severe recessions in a generation. At a time when companies are trying to forecast what the future holds in the context of unprecedented circumstances and how best to keep the lights on, it would be easy to lose sight of issues like diversity. Cathryn Edmondson details why it is vital that diversity remains high on the HR agenda.
Download our Responsible Reward guide
11 February 2020
CEO Pay Ratios | Corporate Governance | Pay Transparency | Reward Consultancy | Pay Fairness | Equal Pay | Gender Pay | Measuring pay | Employee engagement | Pay trends | Communications | Business Ethics | HR Ethics | National Living Wage | BAME reporting | Recognition | Pension
Our aim in producing this guide is to share knowledge around what responsible reward means today and bring it to life with practical examples which you may want to explore at your organisation.
Now that’s what I call blogs! 2019’s greatest hits
17 December 2019
Executive Pay | HR Reward | Remcom | Reward Consultancy | Pay Fairness | Gender Pay Gap | Benefits intelligence | Employee engagement | Analytics | Pay trends | BAME reporting | Pay Structure | Pay benchmarking | Flexible Benefits
A blog roundup today - our most popular blogs from 2019. Well worth a re-read of your favourites, or a chance to catch up on any you've missed.
5 ways to measure how inclusive your reward strategy is
10 September 2019
Equal Pay | Gender Pay | BAME reporting | Reward Strategy
The notion of inclusivity has never been more prevalent in the workforce. In our third year of gender pay reporting, with ethnicity reporting legislation on the horizon, and the need to show that, as an employer, you are inclusive and do not discriminate employees has never been more important. But how do we truly measure how inclusive our reward strategy is?
Time to step up on Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting
23 April 2019
HR Reward | Pay Transparency | Reward Consultancy | Pay Fairness | Measuring pay | Employee communications | Analytics | BAME reporting
Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting is coming down the tracks, and promises to be a lot more complex than Gender Pay. Asha Charles has some top tips on how HR professionals can get ready to report.
The Pay Trends 2019 white paper is here!
19 February 2019
CEO Pay Ratios | Executive Pay | HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Gender Pay | Reward Intelligence | Employee engagement | Pay trends | National Living Wage | BAME reporting | Low Pay | Reward Strategy | Government & Policy
Download our white paper to get your essential update for the year ahead.
Behind the Headlines: Getting Ahead of the Curve
19 September 2017
HR Reward | Pay Transparency | Reward Consultancy | Pay Fairness | Equal Pay | Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Good data | Analytics | Business Ethics | HR Ethics | Talent | BAME reporting | Pay Progression
Without understanding exactly how and why a pay gap exists, it’s impossible to take practical steps to close it. In light of PricewaterhouseCoopers' recently published ethnic minority pay gap figures, Innecto's Sarah Lardner assesses the importance of considering changes to your practices now, to avoid exposing a significant pay gap in a few years’ time.
The Pay Trends 2019 white paper is here!
Boardroom | CEO Pay Ratios | Corporate Governance | Executive Pay | HR Reward | Pay Transparency | Reward Consultancy | Gender Pay | Gender Pay Reporting | Measuring pay | Employee engagement | Pay trends | National Living Wage | BAME reporting | Low Pay | Reward Strategy | Government & Policy
The Pay Trends 2019 white paper has landed! Download our essential insights now