Category: Gender Pay Reporting
What is Equal Pay Day and why does it matter?
Sarah Nash | 22 November 2024
Equal Pay | Equal Pay Audits | Gender Pay | Gender Pay Reporting | Job evaluation
This Wednesday, the 20 November 2024, was Equal Pay Day. It’s a national campaign led by the Fawcett Society, a UK charity championing gender equality and women’s rights at work.
Understanding your Gender Pay data and turning this into actionable intelligence
Sarah Nash | 06 February 2024
Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting
There has been little progress* (4%) made in narrowing the gender pay gap since mandated by the Gender Pay Gap Regulations in 2017. The average pay gap of employers assessed remains stubbornly at 14.3% (ONS).
8 Practical Tips to address Gender Pay Reporting
Justine Woolf | 26 January 2024
Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting
Uncover the essential 'Do's and Don'ts' for Gender Pay Reporting.
Four Essential Steps to Address Pay Gaps and Equality
Sarah Lardner | 12 January 2024
Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting
Unveiling the Gender Pay Gap: A Deep Dive into the UK's Ranking and Strategies for Accelerating Change.
Women in the workplace – policies needed to unlock gender equality
Justine Woolf | 04 January 2024
Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting | Women in leadership | Thought Leadership
Seven years have now passed since gender pay gap reporting was first made mandatory in the UK and nobody could deny that issues of gender distribution in business remain the same: in simple terms, there are more men at the top and more women at the bottom.
Practical measures to tackle pay gaps
Justine Woolf | 03 November 2023
Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting
Instances of unequal pay can manifest all too easily, but they can also be guarded against by building a greater understanding of the data available, and then auditing and benchmarking, which often requires outside help. Here are some key areas for companies wanting to make genuine strides in this area.
Four essential steps to address pay gaps and equality
Justine Woolf | 27 October 2023
Equal Pay | Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting
According to a World Economic Forum Gender Gap Report published in July 2022 the UK’s gender pay gap ranking is 22 out of 146 countries, with Iceland, Finland and Norway topping the table with the smallest gaps. At the current rate of change, the report suggests the UK’s gender pay gap will take 132 years to close entirely. A sobering thought.
5 years of gender pay – What have we learnt? What has changed? How can we progress beyond headline reporting?
Sarah Nash | 31 March 2023
Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting
Once every year thousands of companies are required to publish their new gender pay gap figures, and that ‘snapshot’ date has just ticked over for 2023. For most public authority employers, the clock strikes at midnight on 30 March and for everybody else the figures are due five days later at midnight on 4 April.
Myth-busters 2023: Tackling common misconceptions in pay and reward
Cathryn Edmondson | 03 February 2023
Bonus | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting | Flexible working | Salary survey | Recognition | Pension | Remote Working | Thought Leadership
We asked our consultants and analysts to raise some common misconceptions and explain where they think misunderstandings may lie.
Rethinking your long-term talent strategy to address pay gaps
28 October 2022
Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting
How do you make sure you always hire the right person for the job, while maintaining a balanced outlook when it comes to gender, ethnicity and disability? To answer this, we need to explore five main areas of talent management: Diversity in recruitment; Succession planning; Performance management; Learning and Development; and Retention. In this article I’ll be looking at the first three of these key pillars.
What is the future for gender, ethnicity, and other pay gap reporting?
07 October 2022
Equal Pay | Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting | Ethnicity Pay Reporting
Only five years have passed since gender pay gap reporting was first made mandatory in the UK and a lot has gone on since 2017. Before the pandemic, we were only just starting to scratch the surface in terms of drawing patterns and tracing trends, and furlough blew a lot of that data out of the window by opening up short term pay gaps which are only now starting to recede back. The data and data-gathering in this whole area is still very immature and could certainly benefit from more introspection, checks and balances in several key areas.
How to reverse the broadening of gender pay gaps caused by the pandemic and narrow them further
12 August 2022
Gender Pay | Gender Pay Gap | Gender Pay Reporting
According to the Office for National Statistics’ own data, the Gender Pay Gap (GPG) stood at 27.5% in 1997 and much has been done to redress the imbalance. In 2016 the ONS figure had fallen to 18.1%. A year later it was down to 17.4% and in 2000 – going into the pandemic – it stood at 14.9%. In 2021 the figure had risen slightly to 15.4%. Why?