Category: Long Term Incentives
The Future of Performance-Based Pay Schemes
Sarah Lardner | 11 October 2024
Long Term Incentives | Performance Related Pay | LTIP | Pay
Employee motivation is crucial to any organisation because it helps kick-start or maintain a desired level of engagement, productivity and performance. Regardless of their role or level, workers who feel motivated are more likely to invest in the long-term goals of a business, take an interest in the setting of those goals and contribute to meeting or surpassing them.
Three considerations when setting employee performance targets, pay and bonuses in a volatile market
19 August 2020
Bonus | Long Term Incentives | Performance Related Pay | Pay Fairness | Pay & Reward | Reward Strategy
How do you balance doing the right thing by your employees in terms of bonus and commission when business performance is not where you expected it to be? This is a hard question to answer and there will not be one approach that works for every business. However, there are questions all businesses can ask themselves to help navigate the challenges with performance targets and variable pay.
Keeping morale high with remote recognition
23 June 2020
Long Term Incentives | Motivation | Recognition | Covid-19
Simple recognition is often the best. Every time we run focus groups on the subject, the thing people want to most is a simple thank you – they just want to be acknowledged. Whilst we run round like headless chickens, reacting to the latest need this pandemic creates, take a moment to say thank you to those around you – it goes further than you think.
Genuine gestures or PR stunt?
03 April 2020
Executive Compensation | Remcom | Reward Consultancy | Long Term Incentives | Pay Fairness | Exec pay | LTIP | Business Ethics | Covid-19
Innecto's Justine Woolf explains why headline reports of CEOs taking salary cuts aren't all they appear, and whether football clubs should consider cutting players' pay in line with other staff.
How to give your incentives an MOT
09 July 2019
Long Term Incentives | Performance Related Pay | Pay & Reward | Employee engagement | Sales Bonus | Pay Structure | Pay Review | Productivity
When did you last do a health check of your incentive schemes? Far from contributing to the success of the organisation, your incentive scheme may have quite the opposite effect. Here, James Bigus looks at three factors to bear in mind when designing a new incentive scheme, or when reviewing an existing one.
An essential guide to managing executive pay and bonuses
14 August 2018
Boardroom | Corporate Governance | Executive Compensation | Financial Reporting Council | HR Reward | Remcom | Reward Consultancy | Bonus | Long Term Incentives | Performance Related Pay
If you’re newly responsible for executive pay, you'll have to consider guiding principles, base pay, variable pay, and termination. It’s a tricky balancing act but luckily help is at hand: here’s Deborah Rees-Frost's essential guide to exec pay and bonuses.
6 steps to making LTIPs work globally
10 July 2018
Executive Compensation | HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Long Term Incentives | Performance Related Pay
How do you decide whether and how to use long term incentives for your global workforce? It's no longer possible just to roll out the Head Office plan to your global operators, so here's Sarah Lardner with 6 key considerations for your global LTI programme.
Attrition: The Silent Killer
15 August 2017
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Long Term Incentives | Motivation | Pay & Reward | Employee engagement | Engagement | Organisational Design | Reward Strategy | Reward
Excessive employee turnover costs UK businesses millions of pounds every year - but sometimes the numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. In this week's blog, client director Will Price considers the hidden cost of attrition and how it could be damaging more than your bottom line.
The mystery of two envelopes
28 July 2015
Executive Compensation | HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Long Term Incentives | Reward Intelligence
LTIPs have become an essential and assumed part of every executive's reward package. But more often than not, they aren't properly understood or delivering value to the business..
Still lacing your trainers? 2015 reward predictions update
09 June 2015
Executive Compensation | HR Reward | Pay Transparency | Long Term Incentives | Equal Pay | Reward Intelligence
We first shared our predictions for pay, reward and HR in 2015, back in January. Now, six months on, we're taking a look back at our forecasts and what has changed during that time...
Performance bonuses: who truly deserves them?
14 April 2015
Executive Compensation | HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Bonus | Long Term Incentives | Reward Intelligence
Following Barclays CEO, Antony Jenkins, taking his recent bonus despite a legacy of problems since joining the bank, Justine Woolf discusses whether this is a fair reflection of good performance and considers the true role of performance-related bonuses in the current climate...
Has executive pay got out of hand?
16 December 2014
Boardroom | Executive Compensation | HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Long Term Incentives | Reward Intelligence | Reward Strategy & Audit
After reports that executive pay has now reached 180 times that of the average employee - is there a case to support such high salaries? Read more ...