Category: LTIP
The Future of Performance-Based Pay Schemes
Long Term Incentives | Performance Related Pay | LTIP | Pay
Employee motivation is crucial to any organisation because it helps kick-start or maintain a desired level of engagement, productivity and performance. Regardless of their role or level, workers who feel motivated are more likely to invest in the long-term goals of a business, take an interest in the setting of those goals and contribute to meeting or surpassing them.
Posted by Sarah Lardner on
11 October 2024
Ways to use LTIPs and alternative incentives to immediate pay rises
Bonus | LTIP | Pay Review
With many organisations deferring, reducing, or cancelling planned pay reviews this year, some employees may be left wondering how their employer will show them that they continued to be valued. Justine Woolf suggests alternative ways organisations can show appreciation to their employees when bonuses and pay rises aren't viable.
Posted by Justine Woolf on
15 October 2020
Genuine gestures or PR stunt?
Executive Compensation | Remcom | Reward Consultancy | Long Term Incentives | Pay Fairness | Exec pay | LTIP | Business Ethics | Covid-19
Innecto's Justine Woolf explains why headline reports of CEOs taking salary cuts aren't all they appear, and whether football clubs should consider cutting players' pay in line with other staff.
Posted by Justine Woolf on
03 April 2020
The mystery of the two envelopes
Executive Compensation | HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Bonus | Reward Strategy | Exec pay | LTIP
LTIPs have become an essential and assumed part of every executive's reward package. Are they delivering or are they expensive and rarely understood?
Posted by Deborah Rees-Frost on
05 June 2013