Category: Global mobility
How to prepare for and manage reward arrangements in a changing talent pool
19 May 2020
Global reward | Global mobility | Global talent | Talent
The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted that work will never look the same again, with virtual offices becoming the new normal for many. Reward priorities will require a reshape with an agility of approach like never before, as employee attraction, retention and engagement becomes more important than ever. Are you ready?
Agility training for your business
12 March 2019
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Flexible working | Global mobility | Disruptive HR | Agile working | Culture | Performance | Productivity
Agility is a buzzword that's been around for a while now, but many organisations have yet to incorporate agile working practices which will make sure the business remains successful in a challenging world. Innecto's Sarah Lardner shows you how.
Older & wiser? HR lessons from ‘mature’ businesses
04 December 2018
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Analytics | Global mobility | Fast Growth | Agile working | Culture | Pay benchmarking
We work with many organisations where HR struggles to realise its full value to the business. Innecto's Sarah Lardner explores some of these common challenges, as well as solutions to make HR into an operational powerhouse.
Are the days of the traditional ex-pat package numbered?
05 December 2014
HR Reward | Reward Consultancy | Reward Strategy & Audit | Global mobility | International assignees
The workplace is changing and becoming more global, and with it the attitudes of employees. So, if employees want and expect an international career the focus for reward has to change to reflect that. Read more ...